

"Light's Out"

"Leave A Msg" - Paradoxx: The Rhapsodist

"Light's Out" feat Mazon

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Political Forum @ Morgan State University Oct 31st, 2008

I found that the Political forum was sort of informing. I felt that the topic of the economic crisis that was covered hit home with me the most, especially when the sub-topic of the banks having a big hand in the student loan business came up. I feel like the bank screws up peoples credit due to the illusion of differing loans, only to hit you with interest after you pay off the initial debt of the principal amount. I personally feel that during the debate clips, neither of the candidates could answer the questions with a straight answer. I firmly believe that both the presidential candidates will propagate their own agendas, agendas that will reflect the wishes and plans of the multi-billion dollar corporations that have contributed and funded their campaigns. I can honestly say that I do not feel the conditions will better, regardless of who takes office, and at this point in time, I am so fed up with debates and campaign commercials that I rarely watch television anymore (in addition to me not watching television in the first place).

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