

"Light's Out"

"Leave A Msg" - Paradoxx: The Rhapsodist

"Light's Out" feat Mazon

Monday, December 15, 2008

How Many Tears?

I was up at 6am and I decided to record this for personal purposes, then as I watched it I was like this would be tougher w/ some Miles Davis behind it, but w/e....check it out...



Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin…I’m back..lol

Sometimes there are things that can’t be kept inside and gotta be let out..in this case u let it out in a poem. You write really good poems and I really like this one, it’s deep.. .it talks about how everyone goes through tough times. That’s the thing that sucks about life, but just know it’s not going to be like that always…don’t let it keep you from your love of poetry n’ music. It will all work out, it just takes time and prayer.

Much Luv,

Anonymous said...

That was deep. I really like that. Good job! Keep doin what u doin. :)